Learning Tracks: Existing & Custom
Learning tracks are a fantastic way to help your quartet or chorus get "off paper." We may already have tracks for the song you're working on (search the tracks library). Otherwise, if you have a song you'd like tracks made for - in barbershop, choral, men's voices, women's voices, mixed voices - here's how to order. See below.

Getting Learning Tracks Made ($200) for Your Chosen Song 

Learning tracks are the fastest way to help your quartet, chorus, choir or ensemble get off paper and onto the stage. The price to have learning tracks recorded for a standard song (up to four minutes, no more than four parts) is $200. You supply the sheet music/arrangement, and we’ll record the tracks to learn it with! 

With your purchase you will receive:

  • Part-left mixes – For each part there is a mix where the part in question is panned fully to the left, with the other parts fully panned to the right. The part in question is also balanced to be louder than the other parts combined so that it will be predominant in the mix, even if you do not have the capability of changing the balance on your system.
  • Stereo mix – This mix is balanced and evenly panned to emulate a quartet recording so that you can hear what the final product should sound like.
  • Intro track – This is a quick recording that states the name and starting key of the song and plays a few seconds of the starting pitch on an electronic pitch pipe. You can choose to include this track before any, all, or none of your tracks during playback.

Search Library of Existing Tracks ($90-100) for 900+ Songs

There are currently over 900 ready-to-go learning tracks for songs in our library of pre-recorded songs available for instant download. Most prices are approximately $90-100 for a full set of tracks in all parts. Songs with more parts or longer length may be slightly higher in price. 

All library tracks are sold as-is. There may be slight alterations from the sheet music based on the request of the original group who ordered the song. We recommend purchasing the full stereo mix to preview the song before ordering the full package. All songs in the library have full-mix previews available for purchase.

We cannot provide sheet music for any copyrighted or public domain songs. Most songs are available through the Hal Leonard ArrangeMe Program (Sheet Music Plus, Sheet Music Direct), through Barbershop Harmony Society or directly through the arranger. If you cannot find the arranger’s contact information through a simple Google search, we may be able to help you find that information.

Additional options

  • More than 4 parts. Custom songs with more than 4 parts are prorated based on the number of additional parts.
  • Songs 4 minutes in length or longer. Songs of longer length are prorated based on each additional minute beyond the 4 minute mark.
  • Transposition to Women’s Key. We can change the key for library tracks to a key suitable for female singers. You would need to request this in the same manner as a custom track order. The price for transposition is $20 in addition to the existing price of the library track for a standard-length song. Longer songs may include a higher fee.
  • Rush Orders. If you need your custom tracks right away, we’ll do our best to make it happen. Contact us so that we can find out how or if we can help. 

How To Order

Custom Tracks

  1. Obtain legal copies of the arrangements from the Barbershop Harmony Society or directly from the arranger.
  2. Email Chris Arnold with your arrangement plus the following details:
    1. Name of your Performing Group;
    2. Name and e-mail address of Contact person;
    3. Arrangements (include as attachments)
    4. Any special instructions (interpretation requests, rush order requests, etc.)
  3. Secure Mechanical Licenses after the learning tracks are delivered.

Library Tracks

  1. Obtain legal copies of the arrangements from the Barbershop Harmony Society or directly from the arranger.
  2. Order the learning tracks for the purchased arrangements using our automated download system. You will be billed through PayPal and directed to download your purchase.
  3. Secure Mechanical Licenses for learning tracks.

Mechanical Licensing

Mechanical licensing fees are the responsibility of the purchaser. By purchasing learning tracks from Quick Start Vocal Productions, you agree to the responsibility of paying mechanical licensing fees for the copies that you make. You can learn about and pay mechanical licensing fees by going to the appropriate agency for your country. (Harry Fox (www.harryfox.com) for US customers; CMRRA (www.cmrra.ca) for Canadian customers; others please do a search for Mechanical Licensing within your own country.) Mechanical licensing fees are collected to pay royalties to the copyright owners. The arranger owns the copyright on any public domain song. You will likely need to pay the copyright holder directly for public domain songs. Mechanical license fees are affordable and should be taken seriously. Protect your group and your learning track provider by making your learning tracks legal.

Legal Notice

These recordings are the sole property of Chris Arnold and Quick Start Vocal Productions. Illegal distribution will result in legal action.